
Grant Thornton-HSDBC Report: Communication Key to Foster Homeland Security Innovation, Address Bid Protests

Grant Thornton-HSDBC Report: Communication Key to Foster Homeland Security Innovation, Address Bid Protests - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Grant Thornton-HSDBC Report: Communication Key to Foster Homeland Security Innovation, Address Bid Protests - top government contractors - best government contracting event

Grant Thornton‘s public sector practice and the Homeland Security & Defense Business Council have released a new report that offers recommendations for public and private sector organizations to address technology procurement challenges and the underlying drivers of bid protests on homeland security-related federal projects.

The fourth annual 20/20 Project on the State of the Homeland Security Enterprise Report calls for agencies to communicate with industry partners, share information and introduce training and exercises for technical evaluations as part of the acquisition process, HSDBC said Monday.

'In the face of new and evolving threats to our nation's security, it remains critically important for government and industry to work together in solving mission challenges,' said Tim Hanes, a senior manager of Grant Thornton and leader of the Project team.

'By addressing existing perceptions and enhancing communication, these two communities can make tremendous progress towards harnessing the promise of innovation and avoiding the pain of protests,” Hanes added.

The council and the company polled more than 200 homeland security professionals in both the public and private sectors through an online survey and focus groups during the summer and fall of 2018 in order to gather their insights.

The report was unveiled at HSDBC's annual National Conversation event.

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Written by Darwin McDaniel

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